Make Time to Bringing Learning Science to the Classroom
The topic of brain research can be daunting for educators that are busy orchestrating daily learning, but I looked for five compact, tidy resources that continue the work of supporting idea-rich organizations filled with incredible adult learners.
Dylan Wiliam has been doing a great job of making learning research accessible for all. This video is a great overview of his book, Creating the Schools Kids Need
Brain research continues to show us value in teaching retrieval practices. Dr. Pooja Agarwal talks here with Jennifer Gonzalez about some very practical things that all teachers can consider.
Movement and brain breaks are essential for sticky learning. This short article outlines the research on how and why we can make this happen.
The Learning Scientists continue to produce easy to consume ideas and information about the brain science of learning. Watch their videos HERE
If you nerd out about UX design on websites (like I do), this is the link for you. The Education Endowment Foundation in the UK have built a great data visualization and tool to examine which of the ideas emerging in learning science can have the biggest impact based on cost and effectiveness. Give it a look.